
We have brought together as many Weston manuals and leaflets as we can find, in PDF form. If you have or know of any others, please let us know via the Guestbook so that we can add them to the site. (Last updated May 2012)

Many of these manuals are links to the excellent website run by Mike Butkus. I know Mike would appreciate a $3 donation via Paypal (button below) for the use of these manuals (even if not his) so that he can buy more for us all to benefit from, and I would encourage you to do that - either using the Paypal link below, or via his website.

These manuals are for your personal use only and must not be re-printed or otherwise distributed for sale. We will take-down within 10 days (but normally 24 hours) any manuals where we may have inadvertently used material to which you hold the copyright as interpreted under UK law - just leave a note in our guestbook.


Weston Illumination Meter Model 756

Weston Master Universal 650 (1936)

Weston Master Cine 720

Weston Master Cine Bolex 715

Weston Master Universal S74/715 - Thanks Malcolm!

A brief guide to the 650

650 Manual

853 Direct Reading

Weston Master II pt1 and pt2 or Alternative Version

Weston II Cine

Weston Master III

Weston Master IV pt1 and pt2 or as text only

Weston Master V or an alternative very clear version.

Weston Master Vl

Weston XM2


Euromaster 2

Ranger 9 pt1and pt2

819 Cine

Master 6

852 Cadet

Weston Exposure Indexes

Exposure Indexes for Master III 737 and Cadet 853

Weston Sangamo Ratings

Weston Photographic products and Film Ratings 1946

Film Speeds and Weston Dials

1944 Products Brochure

Model 715, 720 and 850 Brochure

Foot Candle Measurement

Weston Master Universal Invercone

Exposure Indexes

Weston Photo Products 1 and 2