REPAIR SERVICE: by Ian Partridge in the UK for Weston Models: 650; Master IV; V, and Euro - Master or Quality Light Metric in the US. John de Vries had an excellent site a must for those interested
in the current model Euromaster. Also some interesting pictures of older
Master models and a good FAQ. He also had
lots of info on the
Norwood Director. Sadly his site no longer exists in this form, but this link takes you to an old version. John Bunyan has a very interesting site about collecting Weston exposure meters. Tom Grill has a very interesting site about Weston exposure meters. Simon Spaans has an amazing collection of Westons and other great old equipment here. It's a must see! (sometimes takes a while to load - or may need a refresh) Brook Clarke has some very interesting info about some Weston Foot Candle Meters here. Repairing an older Weston - some useful stuff on repairing a Weston II, but some other older Westons are similar. from Daniel Mitchell's useful camera repair site. Some nice history of the Weston Company is to be found at Ftl Design Old Megatron site (Euromaster manufacturers, now closed) If you come across any other sites about Westons, do let me know in the guestbook. p.s. Read what Ansel Adams did when he Forgot his beloved Weston! We were sailing southward along the highway not far from Espaņola when I glanced to the left and saw an extraordinary situation - an inevitable photograph! I almost ditched the car and rushed to set up my 8x10 camera. I was yelling to my companions to bring me things from the car as I struggled to change components on my Cooke Triple-Convertible lens. I had a clear visualization of the image I wanted, but when the Wratten No. 15 (G) filter and the film holder were in place, I could not find my Weston exposure meter! The situation was desperate: the low sun was trailing the edge of clouds in the west, and shadow would soon dim the white crosses. I was at a loss with the subject luminance values, and I confess I was thinking of bracketing several exposures, when I suddenly realized I knew the luminance of the moon - 250 c/ft2. Using the Exposure Formula, I placed this luminance on Zone VII; 60 c/ft2 therefore fell on Zone V, and the exposure with the filter factor of 3x was about 1 second at f/32 with ASA 64 film. I had no idea what the value of the foreground was, but I hoped it barely fell within the exposure scale. Not wanting to take chances, I indicated a water-bath development for the negative. Realizing as I released the shutter that I had an unusual photograph which deserved a duplicate negative, I swiftly reversed the film holder, but as I pulled the darkslide the sunlight passed from the white crosses; I was a few seconds too late! The long negative suddenly became precious. When it was safely in my San Francisco darkroom I did a lot of thinking about the water-bath process and the danger of mottling in the sky area as a result of the print’s standing in the water without agitation. I decided to use dilute D-233 and ten developer-to-water sequences, 30 seconds in the developer and 2 minutes in the water without agitation for each sequence. By using ten developer-water cycles I minimized the possibility of uneven sky. The white crosses were on the edge of sunlight and reasonably “safe”; the shaded foreground was of very low value. Had I known how low it was I would have given at least 50 percent more exposure (a half zone). I could then have controlled the value of moon in development, and the foreground would have a slight - but rewarding - increase of density. Now, some books about exposure meters with comments from Amazon reviewers:-. The Definitive Book on Hand Exposure Meters. A must read for professional and serious amateur photographers alike! This book is the first and only one published on this important subject in many decades. Written by four experts, it explains the limitations of cameras with built-in exposure automation, and why modern hand exposure meters are an essential tool for perfect pictures under all conditions. Reviewer Martin S. Silverman From A total waste of time and money!, May 15, 2002 A reader from Houston, TX United States The best exposure book I've used, May 9, 2002 Reviewer: A reader from Tigard, Oregon United States A real quick slap-together job, December 9, 2001 Reviewer: A reader This book is a real waste of time and money, both of which I had the misfortune to spend on it. Well there you are! |